
1888 Barnum Ave. Startford, CT. 06614



What is Defensive Driving?

Many new drivers have never heard the term “defensive driving“. This may be because they are new to the road and may assume that being new, they will always be the individual making the mistake. This is not the case. Defensive driving is all about being prepared for others to make mistakes or bad decisions on the road because it will happen. We cannot control what decisions other people make. Even on the road. Defensive driving is all about looking ahead to the future and making sure you can spot and prepare yourself for any future mistakes someone else might make.

It might seem like a lot of information to learn and remember as a new driver. Learning the rules of the road and then learning how to safely drive a car? That is a lot of new information to retain and a high number of skills to master. So, to add on the responsibility of watching out for other driver’s actions and decisions may seem like too much. However, as you grow your driving skills and comfortability on the road, learning to watch out for other driver’s actions and behaviors will not seem like too much to ask. Eventually, it will become second nature, and scanning the road as you drive will become an involuntary task you integrate into your driving every time you get out on the road.

Driving may be an unnerving task at first and adding the task of defensive driving may not do anything to alleviate the nerves. However, the more you drive and the more you drive defensively, the more comfortable you will become and the less of a hassle defensive driving will seem. Driving does not have to be scary. It is a task that most people have to do every day. Defensive driving may add a scary overlay to the thought of learning how to drive, but the method is there to help you become a safe, more well-rounded driver.

If you are wondering what some real-life defensive driving looks like, here are a few things to implement into your daily driving:

-Plan for things to happen that you do not expect. Sometimes, you may even have to watch out for parked cars. Parked cars will have to move eventually and they may do so very suddenly.

-Remove distractions. This is not just a part of defensive driving but is vital for safe driving overall. Texting, using your phone, even eating while driving can keep you from being able to scan the road and plan for any unexpected events.

-Control your speed. Driving the speed limit is the legal obligation you agree to follow when you receive a license and begin driving. A slower speed is always easier to control, so if the road conditions are looking unnerving, air on the side of caution and slow down.

-Scan the road and watch other drivers. This may seem like a lot to add to your plate as a new driver, but it is vital to defensive driving. Being able to safely and efficiently react to the behaviors of others is what defensive driving is all about.

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