
1888 Barnum Ave. Startford, CT. 06614


The Effective Use Of Turn Signals On The Road

How many times have you used turn signs before changing lanes or turning? Chances are it’s a few times. Most drivers think using turn signals is a courtesy call. However, the law requires all drivers to use turn signals when changing lanes or making turns.

Therefore, it is essential to use turn signals because they communicate your intentions to other drivers. Doing so will help them to make the right move. Most importantly, signaling the vehicles behind and in front of you helps promote road safety.

Why it’s dangerous to overlook the use of turn signals

The Society of Automotive Engineers conducted a driving habits study. The study indicated that failure to use turn signals is responsible for two million road collisions in the U.S. Even worse, more accidents are attributed to not using turn signals than distracted driving. While drivers know this, about 25% of drivers ignore turn signals when making turns. Also, 48% of drivers ignore using turn signals when making lane changes.

Here’s what you need to know to use turn signals on the road effectively:

Signal in time

You must signal motorists in advance by flipping on your turn signal about 100 feet ahead when driving within the town. When exiting the highway or highway lanes, you flip on your turn signal earlier.

Signal whenever you’re driving

Similar to how you apply gas or brakes, the use of turn signals often. Every driver ought to know this to avoid making costly mistakes. Make it a habit of using turn signals whenever you’re on the road, even if you don’t see other motorists. Not only are turn signals important to drivers, but they’re helpful for cyclists and pedestrians.


The failure to use turn signals effectively is responsible for many road crashes, especially in the U.S. Therefore, you can not underestimate the importance of using turn signals when driving. Turn signals help you communicate your intentions to the motorists behind and in front of you, cyclists, pedestrians, and other road users. You must use turn signals before applying brakes, making turns, and changing lanes. Even more importantly, make it a habit of using turn signals whenever you’re driving. We hope that this article will provide a deep insight into how you can effectively use Turn signals.

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