
1888 Barnum Ave. Startford, CT. 06614


How to Drive Safely for Long Distances?

At some point or another, most drivers have to eventually make a long road trip. Whether that trip is for a family holiday, to visit a friend, move to a new place of work, or something else, most people will have to do it at some point or another. Occasionally a plane ticket is out of the question financially, so making the long drive yourself might just be what you have to do to get to your location.

Long road trips can be exhausting. Especially if you do not properly prepare or get enough sleep beforehand. Sleep is crucial to any driving adventure whether or not it is a long-distance trip. You cannot focus and pay attention to what you or other drivers are doing if you have not had enough sleep the night before. Some people have to make long road trips pretty regularly because they live far away from family or friends. Some may have never made a long driving trip themselves and maybe looking for helpful tips to prepare. Let’s take a look at a few things to keep in mind before you head off on the road for multiple hours:

Plan ahead. Have your car checked by a professional to see if there are adjustments or fixes that need to be made before your long trip? There is no reason to take a map with you anymore because of applications like google maps and GPS, but in the off chance that your tech breaks or becomes faulty, having a map may be helpful. Look ahead at your path. See if there are any places that you specifically want to stop for food or gas. Some locations along the highway have more options than others. Take a look at the weather as well. Make sure your windshield wipers are in tip-top shape and find out if you need to leave your home earlier to avoid certain instances of weather or traffic.

Make time for breaks. How many breaks you take may depend on how long your trip is, but they are important to include in the timeline. You may only want to stop for gas to save time and get to your location more quickly, but giving your eyes and your arms a break from driving is important. Even just a five-minute break can refresh your eyes. You will obviously need to stop for gas, but make sure you include a snack break-in those gas breaks. Eating a quick snack or caffeinated drink gives you more energy to take on the rest of your trip. Not eating and not staying hydrated can severely diminish how well and how safe you are able to drive during your trip.

Take a buddy if you can. If possible, always take a friend on a long trip. Offer to buy their food and drink in exchange for their company if you have to. Having somebody there to talk to can help keep you awake and if you ever get too tired, you can switch spots temporarily. If you are unable to take a friend with you, playing the radio, podcasts, or audiobooks are a perfect option to help keep you awake and alert.

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