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Driving at the beach, deserts, and sun. Some tips to take care of your car

In summer, one of the most popular activities is to go to the beach and enjoy the good weather and have a good time with friends and family. Of course, we bring the car to these activities, and depending on the locations we have to drive through the beach like we were driving through dunes in the desert. That’s why the importance of knowing tips to take care of your car.

Factors that affect your car when driving on the beach, deserts and in the sun

The beach and desert have two components that are very dangerous in a long and short time to our cars, the sand, and salt. Both can cause very serious or aesthetic damages, and here we present you with some of these issues.

Salt is a very corrosive and abrasive mineral. At the beach, you can find it in the sea, sand, and even suspended in air, so it does matter if you don’t drive in the sea, just drive close to the sea and in the sand is enough to catch salt with your car.

Salt will be accumulated principally in the chassis and tires and suspended in the paint surface. The principal problem with salt is that it causes corrosion to metal structures, so if you don’t watch and remove the salt, it will generate oxidization.

Driving at the beach, deserts, and sun. Some tips to take care of your car

Additionally, because it is an abrasive mineral, it will wear the tires due to friction. Finally, if you want to remove the salt, you should not use a towel, because due to friction the salt will scratch the paint, it is better first to watch with abundant clean water. The sand is similar to salt, but it will not cause corrosion.

The sand has bigger particles than the salt, so it will be more abrasive. Even sand suspended in the air can cause scratches, and that is the biggest problem of sand, it will cause a lot of scratches to your car, especially to your windows and paint.

Some tips to take care of your car

There is not too much to do to avoid the problems and damage caused by both sand and salt, so if you don’t have the necessity to drive in sand and beaches, please don’t do it. But, if you have to drive through sand and salt, some tips to take care of your car is to try to not to go at high speeds, especially when sand dust is present, and remember to clean your car.

The sun is another cause of problems and damage to your car, especially if you expose your car to the sun for many hours. The front part of your car, where the dashboard, steering wheel, glove box, and airbags compartments are can be very damaged by the sun.

Generally, this part of the car is made of a very strong type of plastic, but the sun will ‘dehydrate’ them, leaving these parts more fragile and can be broken more easily, so buy a sunshade cover for your windshield.

Also, the sun can cause more overheating problems, so keep your eyes on the monitor and check constantly the coolant or water levels.

Beach is such a beautiful place to go during summer vacations, but remember to take care of your car to not have breakdowns and emergency visits to the mechanic.

Remember that in our A1 driving school, you can learn everything you need to know to take care of both your car and your life and that of your loved ones.

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